To: Project Chairs Area J

Re:  April 21 Tree Planting Project

Although I have not heard back from each of you, I've had enough of a response to announce that the project is a "go".  I'm working on the details with Jason Anderson. We are thinking tentatively from 9 AM to noon, followed by a barbeque lunch.

The Stillaguamish Tribe will provide all of the trees.  Each will be in a 1 or 2 gallon container ready to plant. The tribe will have some tools.  Participants should bring gloves and a shovel and/or rake if available. 

Arlington's Club Administration Committee is prepared to coordinate the barbeque lunch.  It would be helpful to have someone from each of the participating clubs to interface with Arlington's Committee.  

I've also reached out to the two Rotaract Clubs in the area (18 to 30 year olds) to see if their members would like to help.  Interact Club (high school) members might also be interested in helping.  I'll reach out to the Interact Chairs of each of the 3 clubs in Area J.

I have the event listed on the District 5050 website.  Through that site I can send out an invitation to each of the members of the 5 clubs.  It would be great if each of you would see that the event is put on your club's event calendar.  

Please provide me feedback, particularly how many of your club members you think we might expect.  We can get more exact numbers through the Club Runner event registration process. 

Dave Duskin, AG

​District 5050 Area J
