AUGUST 3, 2007

Members in attendance:  JoAnn and Dave Lipscomb, Jack Meyers, Stephen Morach, Kristy Stephenson, Dawn Pratt, Mike Heckendorf, Jim Jonson, Greg Gilday, Bonnie George, and Nancy Voelckers.


·        2008 auction date has been set as June 7th, 2008.  Kelly Lee will again be the auctioneer.

·        Final announcement for anyone interest in the Golfun on August 17th, 2007.

·        Announcement regarding GSE opportunity to Philippines was passed around.  Will be forwarded to PR com. 

Minutes of July 11, 2007 Board Meeting were handed out for approval.  Greg moved, JoAnn 2nd, passed.



·        Jerry Van Vliet out of town, report given by Dave.

·        Karla Jacks' application discussed.  Jim moved to accept her application, Dawn 2nd, passed.

·        Dave Fulfs - Chief of the North County Fire District #14 is interested in joining.  He will be at 8/8/07 meeting.

·        Four members will be attending the August Conference in Canada; Jon Baker, Jerry Van Vliet, Dave and JoAnn.


·        Requested support in opposing legislative action #07-231.  This legislation increases the number of members on RI presidential nominating committee from 17 members to 34 members.  JoAnn moved, Greg 2nd, passed.

·        Current legislation has been passed to redraw district lines so that each district is within only one country.  This would affect 14 districts including our District 5050. No action called yet for this legislation.

·        Treasurer's Report - handed out and reported on by Dawn Pratt

·        Profit and Loss have been adjusted for 2007 Auction numbers, since the auction falls near our fiscal end date.

·        Currently our administration account balance is at approx. $3,600.  In the past it was at $10,000.  We need to watch our spending.  Currently the "parade" is under administration, not projects.  Need to review whether this belongs in projects or admin.  We need to re-do the bank signature cards.

·        Three recognition items out of Rotary Catalog will be ordered:  charter member pin, sponsor pin, and past pres. badge.

·        Talk Up the August 15th visit from the District Governor, John Bosch.  He will be the program for that meeting.

·        Program for August 8th will be Hank Alkema.  Also hoping to induct Karla Jacks at the 8/8/07 meeting.

·        Time to look at moving lunch location?  Bonnie moved that we explore other locations, JoAnn 2nd, passed.

o   Dave and JoAnn to appoint a search committee.


·        Jim reported that he has all his sub-committee appointments filled for the 2007-2008 year!

·        Possible new projects - Literacy program and assisting the Sno-Isle Library Foundation.

·        Jim will be president for 2008-2009 year.  Need someone to take his place as chairman of project committee.

·        Student exchange - Greg Gilday

o   Marta will be arriving on August 29th.  Time yet to be announced.  Bonnie, Greg and NancyV to pick her up at airport.  Requested a budget of $3,000 to cover fees to RI, stipend to Marta plus incidental costs.    NancyV to contact school and start registration process. 

BUDGET FOR 2007-2008

·        Preliminary Budget worksheet was handed out for review.  Items in questions were discussed and filled in.

·        JoAnn, Dave and Dawn to finalize budget numbers.

NEXT MEETING is at 11:00 a.m. September 5th at Senior Center.        

MEETING ADJOURNED at 3:50 p.m.   


Respectfully submitted by Nancy Voelckers, 8/6/0 7.