Stanwood Camano Rotary Club Board Meeting 1/3/2007 " 11am
Meeting called to order by President Terry Greer
Laura moves to approve the minutes of last meeting " Dawn seconds " passes unan.
Public Relations " Jon Baker
-no press release for dental project (Jon needs to speak with Jim)
-Power Point presentation is also needed " Jim has one that needs to be revised and edited to include Rotary.
- Pacific NW " linking Stanwood Camano to club runner - $37
-need a stamp for our brochures
-should look into .org rather than .com
-Info book
-Work party to incorporate new sheets into books " wait until we have all new info
-Laura will talk to a person at work who will format and print new sheets.
-accordion file w/ everybody's sheets so people can update when they want
-this directory needs to have ownership, or it will never be done
-Dave L. moves that this be referred to membership com.
Membership Com.
- New membership process " RI brochure available
- Initial application goes to Secretary or President " do not tell prospective member they are in yet
- Board will vote on nominee
-candidate comes to intro session
- New member orientation or fireside
" involves PP presentation explaining fees, attendance, and expectations.
-candidate signs part B
-form goes to Jack Meyers for posting " if there is no objection w/in 7 days, they're in
-New member pays fees and is introduced to club as a member
-Fees: Admin - $66, Annual - $100, Meals - $120/quarter
-bullet point check list of new member process should be created
-Sponsor should have the follow through to get new members through this process
-To be inducted: Mike H, Nancy V., Gary P.
- Pending: Bonnie C., Ryan D.
-Jerry has big form re: new members and where they are in the process
-Nancy will be talking with Jerry about taking over the membership Com.
-should the club hire a Secretary to take on these duties? " can't afford to with the size of our club.
-We need to get more people involved " spreading work will make it easier for everyone involved.
- Valerie Wootton " Operation Amigo presentation
- Potential new member
-Jim Robbins is going to stay with the Everett Club where World Vision wants exposure " he was going to replace Charlie Keith
-Hank Alkema " Ceremony for welcoming him as an honorary member
- Terry G. will order the plaque
Rotary Foundation " no Steve, no report
Treasurer " dues coming out soon
-past due accts " statements were given
-lunches, room and Inga costs the club $325 per week
-Back dues on quarterlies still owing
" 2 others who generally paid are a couple of quarters behind
- Terry G. is going to make some phone calls to follow up on this
-$41,648 in bank
-Community Service has only paid out about $1000
-We are just sitting on a lot of money ($3300 in projects)
Club Grant Application " Teresa came up with a version
-Dave will send a copy around
District 5050 Youth Exchange Abuse and Harassment Prevention Policy
-no reason not to adopt it as our own
-Dave moves to adopt, Laura seconds " passes unan
Invocation Scheduler" Laura is taking this on
Greeter Getter " Jon will send out a list �?" new members are required to do this with their sponsor prior to getting blue badge.
Microphone purchase " Dave
-contacted Rick Berger and ordered 2 mics for $945 and $10 S/h was the best
-Should be here shortly " everything is being sent to Terry
Board Members " past president (Kristy) organizes a nominating comm.
-Auction " kick off meeting for auction on 2/14 " auctioneer will be there
-Kenya " Jim is starting the process for matching grant app.
- may need to abandon vol. visit to site " RI is critical of motives to go there since site selection is not under our control and we already have a member there.
Road Cleanup " No Chris, no report
YEP " We have selected Ashley Hall to be our student " she got her application in to District on time and will be interviewing with them sometime later this month.
GSE " Teresa contacted District chair and is awaiting a response.
Discussion was held on if SCAF should help us out with our grant process
-Dave moves that SCAF administrates applications for grants or assistance for Rotary (screen applications " final decision is still Club's) "motion was tabled until next month
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Greg Gilday