Club Meeting Customs and Practices

Early departures -- Rotarians are expected to remain for the entire meeting unless circumstances prevent it.  Most members find an occasion or so each year when they must depart early.  Depart as quietly as possible.  However, it is important that early departures are the exception, not the rule.

Seating -- Club members are encouraged to vary their seating place and company in order to get acquainted with all fellow Rotarians and enjoy the full benefits of Rotary membership.

Courtesies to visitors -- Rotarians are expected to welcome visitors brought by other members and visiting Rotarians.  Invite visitors to join your table, introduce them to others, and bring them into table conversations.

Courtesies to speakers -- Besides the usual courtesy of attention and politeness, Rotarians are encouraged to come forward after the meeting and thank and compliment the speaker.  Rotarians avoid departure from the room during the speakers' introduction and talk.  Many Rotarians who find they must depart early, express their regrets to the speaker in advance.

Cell phones -- Rotarians are expected to turn off cell phones or place them on vibrate mode during Rotary meetings.

Club banners -- Many clubs have club banners.  It is customary to present a banner to visiting Rotarians from other countries and to return a banner to a club that presents us with one.

Rotary Lapel Pins and Badges

Rotary lapel pins and club badges are an important practice in Rotary.  Each Rotarian is presented a lapel pin and badge upon induction into the club.  You are encouraged to wear the lapel pin at all times as it helps identify you as a Rotarian and community leaders.  You will often find that wearing your lapel pin when you are away from your home community will often bring recognition and new friends from Rotary contacts who recognize the pin.  You are expected to wear the lapel pin to each club meeting.

Your Rotary badge includes your name and your classification.  The badge is always worn at club meetings and helps us all to get to know one another.